A blog dedicated to MMOGAMERS and their ideas and bring the MMO gaming community together.


The world of MMOs is growing to substantial sizes these days due to popularity and public demand.  ARGO has finally been pushed to full release a decent F2P model based off of a steam punk theme.  Well worth the look.  Sony keeps attempting to cover up the true mistakes they've been making with their networks but promise to compensate at least the U.S. portion for now by offer free Identity protection for a year.  Currently they are working on sending that out and should be received in your emails.  This is finally a good decision for Sony considering free gear and everything else just doesn't amount to protection of the real problem.  I feel bad for all the people being effected by this tragic network crisis but at least we can only hope it will be fixed and maybe even designed better.  Star Wars the Old Republic is rumored to be pushed even further into the future because they want to make sure the beta test are sufficient which is good news but not surprising at all.  It'll be nice to see what comes up in the mean time.


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