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The Giant World Of Warcraft!

     What makes this giant so big?  Well I believe it just the simplicity it takes to just dive right in.  The complications are there but you never see them until you get into the end game.  When you get there you either die off or become so enveloped you refuse to let it go.  The beauty of its UI is the ability to take great add ons and make the game more to your liking.  Too many MMOs lack the touch of freedom we as gamers need to make it ours.  I also think customization is key though amazingly enough I think this is one thing the great WoW never got.  APB got it right but they ruined the game with it's terrible game play.  People need to be able to bring their creativity in.  That's what gets you hooked and makes you lose out on everything around you.  I've play many many MMOs and none have been as popular as WoW.  Not to say it's the only one worth playing though.  World of Warcraft has been considered the cookie cutter mold that everyone needs to make a successful MMO but I think they are wrong!  The Old Republic seems to have a huge fan base rising out of the ashes.  I think this year we may see a change in history.  Bioware rarely disappoints.


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