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Space for life!

Currently Bungie is working with Activision to make an unknown MMO.  Rumors and on the worst terms claim it'll be called "Destiny".  Personally I think we'll prolly see many changes on this as the time passes but what I do know is that it'll be a SciFi themed shooter.  What I keep hearing is that it's going to be WoW in space.  Now this kinda upsets me because the description isn't even close.  It's supposed to be designed after an amazing match system for PvP.  Now I'm no expert but if I was to compare it to anything I would compare it to Global Agenda. 

Global Agenda is all PvP (yes it has PVE but it doesn't count). It could use some improvements but it's free lol.  If I happen to see any concrete news on this topic be sure to hear it from me.

Edit: Massively reported today that Bungie came out and said that the MMO rumor isn't true.  They aren't making an MMO at all! Well this comes to a big disappointment to all those Halo fans out there but there are plenty of other opportunities out there.  


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